Neve Shaanan is a neighborhood in Haifa, located on the slopes of Mount Caramel. The neighborhood is located at the Technion. In the neighborhood shopping center located in the "Grand Canyon."
Neighborhood living close to -38 100 people as of 2004 [1], about 14% of the city's overall Mhaachlevsiia. "Neve Shaanan" known to residents of the many religious, as well as the high number of immigrants from the FSU who live there. Also live in and many students who learn in school around the block.
The neighborhood was founded in 1922. The neighborhood's first homes were built during the Fourth Aliyah, and the establishment of Israel is a significant development.
Its population consists of residents who belong to all sectors of Israeli society (religious, orthodox, former FSU immigrants, students, secular), and has (as of 2004) 37 400 people [need source], and the largest neighborhood in Israel. [Need source]
Neve Shaanan in the Grand Canyon, a large mall on the outskirts of the neighborhood, and the Technion, Israel's top academic institutions.
Available to residents of the neighborhood's religious and cultural center are eight religious.
Every neighborhood has about 15 synagogues. Synagogues, a public school - religious, religious centers branch of the religious youth movement Bnei Akiva, and the young guard's Nest, the meeting "a light and salvation" headed by Rabbi Eliyahu Zini.
Many residents of the neighborhood of Haifa called Nu"s initials, which drivers "Hanus.
Neighborhood are urban middle and high school C the name Zalman Aran, and elementary schools - "Fireworks", "Tel Hai", "Jezreel, and two religious schools" together "and" MISA ".
Available to the ultra-Orthodox community center has the Ziv Hatorah headed by Rabbi Peretz. Meeting "a thing of the borrowers' Yeshiva Ohel Yehoshua." There is also a religious gene.
Neighborhood youth have the young guard, Bnei Akiva, Working and Studying Youth Camps immigrants.
Neighborhood have two hopes, two nursing homes, shopping centers, as well as the hall also has instances "the father senses."
Public authority has Clalit, Maccabi Healthcare Services. Haredi public - religious HMO network have united. Neighborhood 2 more large athletic centers - Stadium Hatlttika, the "Fortk", a club sport.