Ramat Sapir

Ramat Sapir
. Neve Shaanan natural boundaries are: East - Caramel slopes toward the valley, the south - sensory father raised ridge above the neighborhood and marks the back of the mountain West - Heroes River (Wadi records) that creates a large shopping mall was once covered with forest north - down sloping to the Halisa downtown.

The general thrust of the Neve Shaanan is from north to south, and consists of rounded hills, that are linked to each other wadis, except Neve Shaanan old - built on flat ground Msatpa slightly to the east. Southern Hills is the highest, and, as is common in Haifa, both heavily populated section of socio - economic status is higher. The most wooded area in Neve Shaanan is "forest level - Alon south, between the" level of oak "and the Technion. Various branches of the mountain created a separation between borough and building height lines made by the neighborhood and the region that are separated by valleys green space.

Neve Shaanan transport transport system is part of Haifa - an eagle, is made by buses, taxis and private vehicles service. The main arteries through joy and through the Golan Hankin west, the streets Nissenboim - white hand in the north, through the generation from the east, south of International Street and the streets and avenues Trumpeldor Hanita Shalom Aleichem center. Existing interchanges on the way to a meeting with Hankin and International Street Levin Gott Street. Bay cable car construction program - Polytechnic - University will serve the Technion, the check post and the University (Denmark) and traffic congestion relief on the fixed square Ziv.

Ziv Square is today the center of community leaders in Haifa intersection controls movement between the check post to the estate, and Danya city fell into the room.

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